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Chatbot: Everything you wanted to know about bots

In this 4,000-word guideyou will learn everything about chatbots.

We will start withdefine what they areand if we can also call it artificial intelligence. We will giveA few historical brushstrokesabout the origins of artificial agency and discover its precursors. You will be surprised how long this technology has been in the works.

The central part of this post will be dedicated to analyzing everythingthe potential they offer uswith special attention to tourism companies. We will see that these bots are (or will be) capable of increasing direct sales.

How about that? Does this route seem interesting enough to join us? If so, don't think twice and start devouring lines.

Don't hesitate to download this guide!

Dispongo is supported by Doblemente S.L. and is compatible with the following editions of Windows 10: Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Education, and Windows 10 Enterprise.